
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Back to our places...

Back to our places
Back to putting on our brave faces 
Time to put on that fake smile again
And hide our past, our sorrow, and pain

We put on a mask and hope our pain will go away
But we end up feeling worse than yesterday
And instead of talking about it, we think it's better to leave it alone
We never speak of it, not even at home

It seem like the right thing to do
To not tell anyone what we are going through
We think that nobody cares about the messes we make
So we feel that we're left with nothing to say

And while people scream out our names
We lie in our beds thinking everyone has left us astray
And we think we should just die
But we need to talk to someone about what we feel inside.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Risks don't always turn out like we planned.

Sometimes we risk everything and put ourselves in a vulnerable position for someone to later find out that they don't feel the same way. That they are not willing to do those same things for you. Those moments destroy us, but in the end they make us stronger  and make us realize that not everyone is who they say they are. In the end it was all worth it. No matter how hard it was you know it's better to live with the truth then live a lie just to be happy for a little while.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We humans...

We humans are amazed with the idea of love. With the idea of being with someone that cares for you. We love the idea of love. We spent our whole lives searching for it. But what happens when you can't find it?Or somebody you thought loved you just tricked you? Or even when the person you love doesn't love you back? Do we just give up on love.... I don't think that's a good enough reason. Do you?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today, there is more fake feelings than real ones. There is more liars, more haters, and more fake people than anything else. That's why it's so easy to get betrayed these days. That's why people stop trusting each other. Because when someone takes advantage of that trust it's hard to trust again.

You shouldn't miss those hugs, which you know meant nothing. You shouldn't miss those days you were together because you know no that he/she was just pretending. You can't miss the love you never truly had or the love that was never truly there.

Someone once said, "People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.", but nobody ever asked why do people build walls. I think we build walls up because we don't want to be hurt the same way we were in the past or we simply don't want to get hurt... Just never forget that there is still true people out there, who care and want to help. So if you ever feel sad or fell like you are alone talk to someone that can help and strive to move on and go forward.

So how are you? Are you a wall or a bridge maker? Are you one of the fake people? Are you the one being hurt?  Are you the one faking feelings and breaking hearts? Are you depressed? Or are you ready for new beginning?

I am always here for anyone that needs help. You contact me through my Instagram (@justgoodoldme) or through my kik(justgoodoldme) :)
Follow me on tumblr-

Friday, October 5, 2012

What we think.

An illusion can be bigger than any reality. What we think is sometimes more powerful than what we see or what we hear. I believe our minds are extremely powerful.

In our minds we create a picture of the things we want, it's like a little movie in our heads. We imagine how we want things to be managed and how we want things to happen. That movie then slowly starts to become our reality and all we think about. That's why we get disappointed so easily, because we want things to go according to what we've imagined in our heads.

Well at least it's  what we think we want... But is it truly what we want?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Running around

Running around
Trying to find my voice
Not making a sound
I feel it's my only choice

Suddenly I am lost in my own world
It is like and awful nightmare
And you can't hear a word
It's an unbearable disaster

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Speaking my mind...

It's funny when you realize that something worked out for the best, and you just sit there thinking to yourself that being sad was a waste of time. I know now that it is better this way. Have you ever had those moments? Has this ever happened to you? I still think about what could have been, but I know its better this way.

Random fact... Somethings just never change :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Be you!

You are your own person! You have your own style. You decide what you do with your life. God gave us free will to chose whatever the heck we want to do. We should be free to express ourselves! But we also need to accept correction and learn how to take criticism. We must be strong in our beliefs to remain firm in this world. This world is full of lies and you must have the wisdom to know what is true and what is not. What is right and what is wrong. So remain yourself and be strong!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I own all of the contents of this post...

Change starts on the inside
And to make that change come alive on the outside
 We sometimes need to unwind
And leave all our dark past behind

By the way i wanted to say that all I post here is written by me unless I say is being quoted.
And also this my photo haha that is my face lol

Friday, August 10, 2012

What I desire...

What we desire 
Isn't always what we acquire
So I go to sleep with a broken spirit
And wait for someone to come and fix it.

But no one comes my way
While everything turns to grey
And I am left in this darkness
Left with all this madness

I've lost my ability to cope,
But never my hope
For my faith is on fire
Because the one thing I desire 

Has come to meet me in this madness 
And take away my sadness

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where do I go from here?

I think I understand.
Why we are both so confused. 
But it's just absurd.
Do we even know what to do?

Where do we go from here?
Because silence is all I hear. 
It seems like you've disappeared,
You are no longer near.

I scream your name until I can't any more.
But all I hear is my voice echoing through the unknown.
Where no one even roams.
And I just lie there all alone.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Paradise is the place we see in our dreams. The place we think about every time we close and open our eyes, every waking moment of our lives. The place we see when we are asleep.

We all have different paradises just as we all have different ways of thinking, but every paradise has something in common. In everyone's paradise people think about a place where they feel like they belong, and everybody loves feeing like they belong somewhere like they matter.

So where is your paradise?

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Voice of the Youth P.V.C: The power of love.

The Voice of the Youth P.V.C: The power of love.: Us humans always need someone that listens to,g cares for us, shows love to us, and councils us. It's a fact. Without love or someone that...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Newest one

Sitting in my room,
Watching the videos that go through,
Tired of these unspoken dream,
Ready to raise my voice and sing.

Letting my heart speak tonight,
Looking at the stars as they shine,
Letting the words run through my mind,
Oh, the sky looks so alive.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

For someone.

You are leaving too soon.
And that makes me feel blue.
But I'll get to see you soon.
At least is what I hope to do.

I hope you don't forget about me.
'Cause I need my two am texting buddy.
You know how I feel about the move.
But I know it's what God  wants you to do.

Never let someone take that smile off your face.
For it cannot be replaced.
Have fun on your journey, which we call life.
And never forget to live it right.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fun fact about me.

I love vintage, old stuff! Especially cars! Here are some pictures ;) Hope yoou like them.

Always there

I am unable to understand your ways.
I rarely understand what you truly want to say.

But I've decided to end my search today.
My search for the truth behind your words.

Because I've seen and heard the truth.
It was always in front of me.
Always following me.

It was always in the back of my head.
 But now it's in front of my face.

It used to be under my nose.
But now it's in plain sight.
In front of my eyes.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hey :)

Hey, you people that are looking at my blog! So I hope you guys have liked why I've posted and I not leave a comment ;) In my short life I've learned a lot. My grandfather passed away resently and tho he wasn't that close to me it hurted me. It opened my eyes again and it reminded me that life is so short. It reminded me that we have to live every day as if it was our last because we never know when we are going to die. I am not saying that you'll die tomorrow, but I am probably guessing that those teenagers that died in a car crash didn't think they were gonna die that day but they did. So in everything that happens to you look at the positive and thank God for your life. We all have a purpose in life some of us just don't see it and get sidetracked. Don't get sidetracked and live life according to your beliefs.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Can you relate?

I've learned how to dream.
I understand how to speak.
I know how to deal.
But I don't know what to feel.

I've learned how to think.
But I've forgotten how to breathe.
I don't know if I can see.
I don't know what to believe.

There is a difference between thinking and knowing.
There is a difference between staying and going.

Unfortunately there is a difference between a colleague and a friend.
Between family and friends.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

At first you say, "What harm can it do?"
But then you realize there is a big hole in you.
A hole in your soul.

Then you realize your soul is in despair.
That your soul longs for repair.

You try to ignore it.
You try to forget it.
But you remember the pain.

You remember the days when it wasn't there.
The days your soul was secure.
The days your soul was pure.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Where is my mind?

Where is my mind?
It is in a place only I can reach.
A place only I can see.
A place where I feel safe.
A place where I can finally be me.

But it seems that no matter how far this place may be.
You're always there lingering.

Lingering in my thoughts.
As if I were lingering in yours.

It seems that no matter how hard I try not to think about you.
You are always there in my mind.
Like a cloud in the sky.

So where exactly is my mind?
It is in a place I cannot describe.
A place I know everything will be alright.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sitting under the sun. Feeling the warmth that comes. Lying here with you. Makes me feel a little less blue. Love is like an ocean. Never ending and in motion. Love is like a river. Always flowing, always going. And life may not be easy, But nobody said that it would be.