
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Back to our places...

Back to our places
Back to putting on our brave faces 
Time to put on that fake smile again
And hide our past, our sorrow, and pain

We put on a mask and hope our pain will go away
But we end up feeling worse than yesterday
And instead of talking about it, we think it's better to leave it alone
We never speak of it, not even at home

It seem like the right thing to do
To not tell anyone what we are going through
We think that nobody cares about the messes we make
So we feel that we're left with nothing to say

And while people scream out our names
We lie in our beds thinking everyone has left us astray
And we think we should just die
But we need to talk to someone about what we feel inside.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Risks don't always turn out like we planned.

Sometimes we risk everything and put ourselves in a vulnerable position for someone to later find out that they don't feel the same way. That they are not willing to do those same things for you. Those moments destroy us, but in the end they make us stronger  and make us realize that not everyone is who they say they are. In the end it was all worth it. No matter how hard it was you know it's better to live with the truth then live a lie just to be happy for a little while.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We humans...

We humans are amazed with the idea of love. With the idea of being with someone that cares for you. We love the idea of love. We spent our whole lives searching for it. But what happens when you can't find it?Or somebody you thought loved you just tricked you? Or even when the person you love doesn't love you back? Do we just give up on love.... I don't think that's a good enough reason. Do you?